Tuesday, May 29, 2007

You don’t need money to life

Yes… You really don’t need any money to be able to life.

Let me explain a bit.
You don’t pay for the air you breathe in.
You don’t pay to ‘unload your stuff’ in the stomach.
You don’t have to pay for food you eat.

Money is only needed for human relationship.

You pay the hospital which provides oxygen for you.
You pay the property owner whose provide toilet for you.
You pay the restaurant, which chef prepare for you.

You pay hospital, property owner, and the chef.
Not the thing to support your life. It just support your life style.

We give money to other people for their work.
(That also how we can get money)

So… actually you can life without money. I hope this can change our opinion about living. We can be creative in this life. When you get the “know how”. You can do and make anything.
And may be… You can make money without money.

Have a beautiful day!!!

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