This post is design to explore your self even deeper.
These questions are related to you: Passion, Values, Talent, and Destiny.
(What do you like to do?)
What activities give you satisfaction?
What are interesting about life?
What are your secret ambitions?
What are your hobbies?
(What is important?)
What will you do, if money is not an issue?
What do you keep? What do you throw?
What are you willing to sacrifice?
If you only have 5 more years to live, what are you going to finished?
What principles those guide you everyday?
(What is good from you?)
What other people say that you good at?
When did you in abundant?
What do you did then?
In what area have you succeeded?
What are your short comings?
(What you are born to do?)
What is your special mission?
What does God want you to do in your life?
What are special chances that you have in your life?
Where can you make a difference?
What things are you consider as your fortune?
To get the most advantage from these posts is:
Stop reading NOW!
Get a pen and papers. Write your answers on those questions.
Prioritize it. Put rank 1 to 5 for the most to the least.
Do it with ease and joyful heart. Tell you’re self:”This is my favorite part”.
Write you self analysis, your goals and their deadline.
Make a conclusion: What can you do start from tomorrow!
Have a joyful life…
It is God blessing!