Tuesday, October 23, 2007

GOAL Setting (1)

Why and how to set a clear and solid goal.

Having a goal is a first step to achieve something.

This is another reason why people get (or don’t get) rich.

People who are rich always have a goal to become and stay rich.
This is a climbing activity. The higher you climb, the richer you become.

In my old post I include reasons why many people fail to be rich.
Here I include some that connected to our discussion.

Didn’t make a goal to be rich
Make unspecific and unclear goals

Goal will make you focus. Goal will direct your activity. Goal will increase your productivity. Goal will make you stay on your path to richness.

Great Principles in Goal Setting:
It must be specific, in positive words, and written.

In our next post, we will dig more about these great principles

Have nice days…

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