Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Marketing Research made simple

Every business needs to do marketing research.
A good research produces good-quality data.
Good-quality data means a better decision.
A better business decision will bring more CASH FLOW.

You can do it with easy, simple (and cheaper) approach.

These are questions you must answer

Who is your customer?
What age, where they live, their marital status, what their occupation, level of income, how they make purchasing decision, what valuable to them, belief or life principle that connect to your business, do they have social group that have great influence in their life, are there any trendsetter or group leader (that can be used as a tipping point).

What do they need?
Why they need it, how they like to get it and when.

Who are your competitors?
What they good and bad at?

What is your Ultimate Advantage?
What makes you different from your competitors. And not just different, but really have a plus Value in fulfilling your customer need. This can be your niche to profit from the market.

What is your Industry trend?
What things (or policies) that can harm or benefit your business?

Ask this Question frequently. And you will feel the “pulse” in your business.

Like the old saying, “If you know you’re self and your enemy, go into 100 battles, and you will win 100 battles.” (Sun Tzu)

Hopefully this posting can help your business grow and make more money.
God bless you all… ^_^

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